Thursday 1 August 2013



 A religion or religious sect generally considered to be extremist or false, with its followers often living in an unconventional manner under the guidance of an authoritarian, charismatic leader.

This is the religious cult 
Freemasons : The silent destroyers - deist religious cult based on the Knights Templar

" ...these people can poison every part of a person's life." said by Christian ex-masonic judge, 'Christopher'.

This is the cult religion by Senile Robot

Top 5 weird cults & religions:

This is the Oneida Sex Community

The Oneida Community was found by John Humphrey Noyes in 1848 in Oneida, New York. The guy believed that Jesus returned on Earth in the year 70, so that enables everyone to achieve spiritual perfection in this life in addition to Heaven. However, the spiritual highness is not the only thing in which the community members are interested. They’re all married to each other, so everyone can have sexual intercourse with anyone because according to them, that’s the way of achieving higher spiritual merit.

This is the Nuwaubianism

Nuwaubianism was created in 1970’s by Dwight York, who in prison now for money laundering and child molestation. The system of beliefs of this religion is absolutely weird. According to the believers, the white people were created as a race of killers which should serve to black people as slaves, but something went wrong and the history was changed. Among the other beliefs are those that women existed for many generations before they invented men through genetic manipulation, it is important to bury the afterbirth so that Satan does not use it to make a duplicate of the recently-born child, Nikola Tesla came from the planet Venus, homo sapiens is the result of cloning experiments that were done on Mars using Homo erectus and many other crazy “facts.”

This is the Nation of Yahweh

The members of the Nation of Yahweh belief system have a little bit different view on human history or maybe they just lack it. According to their thoughts, Black people, particularly Afro-Americans, are the true Israelites. Therefore, the main goal of this religion is to secure a return of the “true Israelites” to Israel. People who now populate Israel are white, so they’re “white devils” who had occupied the land of blacks. The founder of this group was accused for racism by many people, but he still claim that he was here to accomplish a mission of vanquishing whites.

This is the The Church of All Worlds

This is a neo-pagan religious group which tries to revive the goddess Gaya by means of constant spiritual evolution of its followers and to reunite all the children of the goddess. This movement was started in 1962 by a group of friends, inspired by the SCI-FI novel Stranger in a Strange land by R. Heinlen and by self-actualization concepts of a renowned American psychologist. It obtained recognition as a church in 1968, being the first cult of this kind to have achieved this performance. The movement is still active today, as ‘The Third Phoenix Resurrection of the Church’.

This is the The Children of God Cult

The Children of God was a cult founded in 1968 and led by David Brandt Berg, a.k.a. “Moses David”, “Mo”, “King David”, “Father David”, “Chairman Mo”, “David Fontaine”, “Dad”, and “Grandpa”. Along with the Moonies and Synanon they were one of the main groups which prompted rising concern over cults in the early 1970s, which continues to this day.  The group’s liberal sexuality led to concerns and investigations regarding child abuse. The High Court of Justice, Family Division, in the UK found there to be “widespread sexual abuse of young children and teenagers by adult members of “The Family.” Apart from their teachings on sexuality and slavish devotion to the leadership of David Berg, their theology was consistent with fundamentalist Christianity. New converts memorized scripture, took Bible classes, and were expected to emulate the lives of early Christians while rejecting mainstream denominational Christianity.


This is the Cult of Maria Lionza

Venezuelan religion draws thousands to mountainside 

rituals for purification and guidance. Some studies show 

that about one third of Venezuelans from all social strata

 have participated in the cult.

1st of August2013

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